Is your website relevant with today's standards?
Is your website relevant with today's standards?
If your business doesn't have a relevant website ... Your business does not fully exist
What about your business on Google? Have you claimed it? Scroll down ...
The following fees are required for all Websites, all over the world
******** Separate from the one-time Design Fee ******
These components are imperative for each website/store
• Renewed Annually; To keep your site up and running
• Lose it by not renewing?
• Gotta start completely over, and you just may never get that swanky domain name back; This is the reason you need Puchay to keep track of all this nonsense essentials for you!
*Prices are approximate; Subject to change without formal notice
One-time Design Fee | Tailored to your specific business needs . Fees are approximate due to the personalization needs of your website; Subject to change (on this website) without formal notice.
Simple, Informative site up to 5 pages
Most popular - Up to 10 pages
More than 11 pages ...
Big deal, lots of images, content detail - Immense amount of time to build - Time is money, it's either your time or mine!
Estimated upon what you already have ... How much detail, content, images, etc
Monthly Fee - Invoiced Quarterly
Puchay handles all content & image updates as needed, SEO, revisions, functionality, renewals, sales ads, calendar updates, PDFs, Forms, etc
It's your website go for it!
Puchay does nothing until you call for help
>>> See Option 3
Monthly Retainer Fees - Paid in Advance - Quarterly;
Puchay runs your Facebook Business Page alongside YOU
* Custom fees based upon your business needs
* Option to cancel 30 days prior to next quarter billing period
Who follows you?
Who do you follow? Why?
What's your business hashtag? #idonthaveone #puchayco
Is your social media brand consistent with your website?
Don't miss out on social media FREE ADVERTISING platform that everyone - Even your competitor - already uses!
Do you have a Google Business Account? It's IMPERATIVE for business success!
Time and expert opinion is money! Customers request an opinion and "What does my site need?" ... and then choose another web designer or attempts on their own; Puchay's ideas are not free! Should you choose to hire Puchay to complete your dream website, the $150 fee will be applied to the Design Fee.
Google Business Account is completely SEPARATE from your Website & Social Media! It's a whole different world.
Essential to establish an online presence! Improves visibility, connects with customers, market products/services, provides valuable tools and insights for business success in this digital age
Ongoing attention to enhance online business presence, attract more customers while continuing to build a positive reputation for your business. Up-to-date content, monitor & respond to reviews, insights & analytics data & metrics, uploads of products and services, engage with audience
Puchay & Co. LLC